Q. I can download my PDF, but I cannot open it in Adobe Acrobat


This usually occurs when your browser is set to open PDFs in a new browser window instead of in Adobe Acrobat.

The resource that this most frequently impacts are the Australian Standards. Downloaded PDF versions of the Standards need to be opened directly in Adobe Acrobat (as they require the use of the FileOpen plugin to work). If the PDF file tries to open in the browser window it will not open, and you will receive an error message. 

Which browser are you using today?

Google Chrome

In Chrome, you may see the following error message: 


You can change your Chrome settings so that it automatically opens PDFs in Adobe Acrobat: 


1. Click the 'three dots' menu in the top right corner of Chrome: 


2. Select 'Settings' from the dropdown menu: 


3. Select 'Privacy and Security': 


4. Select 'Site Settings':


5. Under 'Content', select 'Additional Content Settings': 


6. Select 'PDF Documents': 


7. Select 'Download PDFs': 

PDFs downloaded in Chrome will now automatically open in Adobe Acrobat.


If you have any questions on accessing standards, please contact the library.  

Microsoft Edge

In Edge, you may see the following error message: 

You can change your Edge settings so that it automatically opens PDFs in Adobe Acrobat: 

1. Click the 'three dots' menu in the top right corner of Edge: 


2. Select 'Settings' from the dropdown menu (almost at the bottom): 


3. Select 'Cookies and site permissions': 


4. Under 'Site Permissions' and then 'All Permissions' select 'PDF documents' (You can also do a search in the search settings for PDF documents): 


7. Select 'Always download PDF files':

PDFs downloaded in Edge will now automatically open in Adobe Acrobat.


If you have any questions on accessing standards, please contact the library.  

FAQ Metadata

  • Last Updated Nov 08, 2024
  • Views 3438

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