Q. What are the recent SA Health Library catalogue updates?
The SA Health Library catalogue has recently been updated to enhance your search experience. Some changes include:
1. Search results now use yellow underlining to show where your search terms appear. This helps you assess the relevance of each search result:
2. Resources can be accessed from the results list...
... or from within the record itself:
Note: the catalogue often provides multiple links to resources. Please read the information next to each link to determine the right one for you.
3. You can now cite and share a record direct from the search results page:
Note: The 'share' button allows you to email a record, or copy and paste a link to the record.
4. Records now contain MeSH headings (Medical Subject Headings) where available. These are clickable:
5. SA Health Library online chat is now available from the bottom right of the screen. Click the speech bubble icon to start a chat:
See also:
How can I search the library catalogue more effectively?
How do I save my library catalogue search?
If you have any queries about the new SA Health Library search interface, please contact the library.